DayRadar is an app for the latest dual camera iPhones which converts distances seen by these stereoscopic cameras into audible tones (played by different instruments).
What devices does it work on?
It only works on Apple iPhones with dual cameras. It does not work on iPads or single camera iPhones. It requires both cameras to generate depth maps of seen by the cameras. It does not (yet) work with augmented reality using a single camera.
Who can use it?
It was designed for visually impaired people who might benefit from having another aid to judge obstacles and distance. We specifically thought it might provide extra information to help persons using a cane.
How to use it?
It will only work on dual camera iPhones.
You can start it using Siri (eg "Hey Siri. Open DayRadar").
It plays musical tones - Higher pitch means objects are closer.
It can use VoiceOver to navigate its controls and switches.
It uses Siri to read out distances continuously or on demand.
Siri can read out the help instructions.
Point the center of your phone's screen at the place you want to evaluate.
A ding sound indicates sampling has started.
Tips to use it
You can change the:
Focus of the central screen region sampled for broader or narrower focus.
Range over which the scale plays for indoor (0-6 meters) or outdoor (3-10 meters).
Sampling rate for faster distance updates via a vertical slider.
Instrument playing - piano, xylophone, guitar, pure tone.
Settings and DayRadar will remember them, or reset them to the defaults.
Keep moving it around to get an overall idea of distances
It only works on dual camera iPhones!
It needs definition on surfaces to judge distance and calculate depth maps.
Featureless walls can be reported as much farther away.
Reflective surfaces, ie mirrors, windows, similar can be reported as far away.
Somewhat random distances can be reported, so ensure you recheck surrounds.
Please practice with this app, and you should get better at judging distance from sound.
Do not rely on it alone. Please use your other devices as well.
Below are brief videos showing use inside our building:
Work in progress!
If you have any suggestions after using it, please send them to us< since this will only improve with feedback from real life users!